
Welcome Statement

Dr. Melville OMORLABI George

Welcome to the redesigned Web Portal of the Medical and Dental Council of The Gambia (MDCG), a statutory Government Agency that regulates the standards of training and practice of medicine and dentistry in The Gambia. The MDCG was established by an Act of Parliament entitled the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act 1988 Laws of The Gambia. The Council operates through Statutory (Disciplinary Committee) and Standing Committees (Accreditation & Registration Committee, Finance & General Purposes Committee, Education & Research Committee, and Ad-Hoc Committee). The MDCG as mandated by the MDPA 1988 is to ensure the provision of safe, trusted, high-quality healthcare to the people of The Gambia. One of the fundamental roles of MDCG is to ensure that the system delivers the best possible healthcare outcomes for the people of The Gambia. The MDCG is committed to regulating the profession and practice of medicine and dentistry in The Gambia as defined in our Vision and Mission statements:

About Us


Furthermore, the Council’s 2011 Code of Conduct and Medical Ethics (CCME) provides guidance to practitioners to achieve and maintain acceptable professional standards in the practice of medicine and dentistry. The CCME also serves as standards in relationship of medical and dental practitioners with the profession, their colleagues, patients, members of allied professions and the public. We hope that this new website will meet the needs of registered medical and dental practitioners as well as members of the public. We will strive to ensure that the Council continues to provide accurate and relevant information in a timely and easily accessible manner.


Who we are

The Medical and Dental Council of The Gambia (MDCG) is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament entitled the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act 1988 Laws of The Gambia...


What we do

Determine the primary qualification and experience requisite for the registration of medical and dental practitioners in The Gambia. Register medical and dental practitioners. Promote standards...


Our Vision

To strive for a healthy population in The Gambia that has access to quality health care services provided by competent, knowledgeable and registered medical and dental practitioners.


Our Mission

To ensure adequate training of Medical and Dental Practitioners to meet the required ethical and professional standards and conduct of practice for safe service delivery to the public thereby...

Registered Medical Practitioners
Registered Dental Practitioners
Location Mile 7 Bakau
Call Us +220-6334523